Health Visitor prt 2

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Matthew whimpers a little and kicks his legs. "So when's Niamh back?" Tracy asks.

"Tomorrow night" Joe smiles.

"Oh lovely, so how have you both been?" She asks as she finishes the nappy.

"Good thanks" Joe smiles as Tracy sits Matthew back up again.

"And your relationship?" She asks.

"Sorry what is this to you?" He asks.

"No, no I have to fill it in I'd normally ask Niamh how she's feeling emotionally and all" Tracy explains.

"What does she say?" Joe asks curiously.

"That is strictly confidential" Tracy smiles as she fills in the notes.

"She's my fiancé we hardly keep things from each other" Joe huffs.

"Well put it this was if she had said anything bad we'd of had social services involved and made sure she was okay" Tracy smiles.

"Oh right okay" Joe says.

Tracy smiles, "so your realtionship?" she asks.

"Good thanks" he smiles. Matthew starts to babble and smile.

"Does he do a lot of this?" Tracy asks.

Joe nods, "he can be very noisy" he laughs.

"That's good to hear" Tracy says.

"But still no crawling" Joe says.

"It'll come give him time... I suggest lots of tummy time from now on" Tracy says.

Joe nods as Matthew reaches for his dummy. "I will come next week to check on him" Tracy says as she starts to put her things away.

"Why?" He asks

"Just because of him falling off the sofa we want to make sure he's not at risk" Tracy says

"What day? Niamh's back to work next week" he says.

"Probably Saturday" Tracy says, Joe nods and lifts Matthew up to see Tracy out.

Joe catches a glimpse of Tracy's notes and sees something highlighted in red. "Why on earth is there something highlighted in red? Is there something wrong with him?" Joe asks rather concerned.

"Oh... That's private it's just been flagged up from the hospital that's all" Tracy says.

Joe frowns and leaves it."I'm sorry Mr Walsh you might want to peek to your wife about... " Tracy is stopped by Joe.

"McFadden and she's my fiancée" he says.

"Yes Sorry... You might want to speak to your fiancée about that" he says.

"Why can't you tell me?" he says.

"It's not my place to say" she replies.

Joe leaves it and decides to ring Niamh as he's rather curious after Tracy has left. He dials her number out and waits for her to pick up.

She picks up rather quickly to his suprise, "We need to talk" he says straight away not letting her speak.

"Hello Niamh how are you? Nice to speak to you too" Niamh says sarcastically.

Joe ignores her, "what's the red thing highlighted in Tracy's notes? Care to explain?" he says.

"Oh that... I should of told you" Niamh says.

"Yes you should of" he says.

"It's from when he fell they just flag it up with the health visitor" he says.

"Simmer down Joe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she sighs.

"Sorry it just took me by surprise" he says.

"How did he get on anyway?" Niamh asks.

"Good she's happy with him" Joe replies.

"That's good to hear, what about the crawling malarky?" Niamh asks.

"She's not worried, just said to give him time" Joe says.

"I'm worried he might not be crawling because of his fall" Niamh panics.

"She said nothing about that so he's fine" Joe smiles.

"Lot's of tummy time might encourage him to crawl" Joe says. "Anyway how's you? What you up to?" he asks.

"Oh that's good, and me and Ellie are going down to use the spa then we're going out this evening" niamh says.

"Oh very nice well I better love you and leave you" he says.

"See you tomorrow evening then?" Niamh smirks.

"You will indeed, what times your flight again? I'll be looking forward to a cuddle up in bed before work next week" he says.

"My flight is at 6pm and I'll get back home around 8 ish we are landing at London Air port" Niamh smiles.

"Right okay, I'll see you then with mummy's very sleepy boy" he laughs as Matthew will no doubt be tired.

Niamh ends the call and turns and looks at Ellie who is brushing her teeth.

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