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"Aren't you windy today kiddo" Joe says as Matthew burps rather loudly. Niamh giggles as she's never heard his burp like that before. Matthew smiles at Niamh laughing.

Later on Niamh is asleep leaning against Joe and Matthew is in his pram. She wakes to Joe prodding her gently on the shoulder, "Niamhy I'm going to get a drink, want anything?" he whispers.

"Something cold" Niamh mumbles.

"Want anything to eat?" he asks.

"Grapes?" Niamh says as she sits up.

"Grapes? Where am I meant to get them?" he laughs.

Niamh shrugs "packet of crisps then" Niamh smiles.

"Any particular flavour?" he asks.

"Prawn cocktail" Niamh says.

Joe nods, "I'll be back soon, Matthew's still asleep" he smiles as he kisses her cheek and she smiles at him sleepily. Niamh grabs her phone and looks at a few things before looking at Matthew. She yawns and pulls her knees up to her chest,She smiles happily at Matthew and then rests her head in her knees.

She starts to drift off to sleep again, Joe comes back and puts a bottle of lemonade on her neck which makes her jump "Joe!" she moans as she hits him playfully.

"You love me really babe" he smiles.

"Here you go" he smiles as he hands her a packet of crisps. Niamh smiles happily at him and opens the Crips.

"I'm suprised Matthew hasn't woken, I'm sure his nappy will be filled" Niamh says.  Joe nods as he eats a mars bar.

"I'm really tried" she sighs.

"I know so am I" Joe smiles.

"Can I have a cuddle?" she giggles.

He pulls her into his side "no you can't" he smiles as he hugs her.

"Don't tease me" she giggles.

"Oh you love it really" he smiles.

"When I'm not tired" she giggles.

Joe kisses her head and watches Matthew sleep. "Oh someone's wakening" Joe smiles.

"Not me" Niamh mumbles.

"Not you" he smirks.

Niamh closes her eyes and holds Joe's hand. Matthew whimpers a little, "oh Matthew not now" Joe groans as he decides to push the buggy back and forth to try and settle him, and Matthew settles slightly.
"Good boy" Joe says as he strokes his cheek. Niamh slips down onto Joe's knee and he realises she is fast asleep.

He runs his fingers through her hair and smiles. Joe sits for a good hour and a half with Niamh on his knee before he hears that the flight for them has been rescheduled to twenty minutes time. He decides to wake Niamh and get things ready as Matthew has started to kick off again.

Niamh carries him to the gate as she tries to sooth him. She rocks him and pats him bum as she knows he settles when she does that, They get onto the plane and find their seats.

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