On the cold hard ground

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Niamh walks Joe to the tube station, "See you later then?" she smiles before kissing his lips.

"Of course" he smiles as he holds her waist and kisses her back.

"Who knows I might be in bed by the time you get home" she laughs.

"Waiting for me I hope" he smirks.

"Not really what I had in mind but of course" she smiles as she gives him one last kiss.

"Well of your in bed I want sexy bed wear" he whispers against her ear.

"Will see what I can do" she smiles as he kneels down to Matthew.

"Right little man be good for mummy yeah" he smiles as Matthew is eating his straps of the buggy again.

Joe kisses his head and Matthew stops chewing and looks up at Joe. Niamh smiles before walking back home again.

He looks at her and starts to babble, Niamh takes him home. On the way home he drifts off to sleep.

Niamh quickly stops at the shop and picks up some wipes and baby milk powder. She takes him home and he wakens and starts to scream the place down.

"Oh woah Matty" Niamh says as she springs from the sofa and goes through to him in the hall way and lifts him out the pram.

"Calm yourself" she laughs as he is screaming the place down.

Niamh bounces him "oh come on" she soothes. "I bet it's those teeth that are bothering you or your eczema, aw baby boo" she coos. Niamh bounces him and she catches whiff of what's the matter, "oh dear looks like someone needs their nappy changing" Niamh says.

She gets the wipes out and a fresh nappy and lays him on his changing mat. "Now stop wriggling" Niamh says as she pulls his trousers off and chucks them down onto the floor.

She takes his nappy off to see it filled, "oh dear, this is a right stinker" she laughs. She opens up a nappy bag then pulls the tabs on his nappy and starts to wipe her down, "There we go" she says as she puts the cream on his bum.

Niamh lifts his legs "oh Matthew it's on your grown" Niamh huffs. She rolls her eyes and strips him completly.

"Stay there" she says as she turns around quickly to get a clean grow. She turns around to see Matthew lying on the floor screaming.

She grabs "oh Matthew!" She panics.

She sees him kicking his legs frantically and rubbing his head, "oh darling" she says shaking a little as she is really worried.

She lifts him up and cuddles him. He doesn't let her cuddle him as he is rather agitated and is kicking like mad.

Niamh starts to get tearful, "oh come on Matty mummy's here" she says as she sits him in her lap.

Niamh starts to panic as he continues to hold his hand at his head. Niamh starts to panic as he continues to hold his hand at his head.

Niamh moves his hand and looks in his hair line to see a small cut, her heart starts to race. "Oh gosh Matthew!" she panics as he grips her baby finger tightly and cries loudly.

She starts to cry 'oh god I'm such a bad mother' she thinks to herself as she doesn't know what to do.

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