I'm fine I promise

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"No I shall drive you!" he says an angry tone to his voice.
Niamh looks at him, she finally gets out the car and makes a hasty retreat for the costume department.

She's stopped by Joe on route, "I'm really sorry it's all my fault" he says.
Niamh pushes past him and goes to her dressing room now she's in costume.
He doesn't know what to do. He quickly follows her and goes into her dressing room and shuts the door behind them.

"Talk to me...please" he begs as he walks over to her.

She picks up her script "I'm fine I promise" she stutters nervously.

"Now Niamh come on, you're not!" he says as he can tell by her tone of voice and the look on her face.

She picks up her bottle of water and drinks it, Joe watches her she is shaking terribly.
"Come on Niamh, you know you can talk to me" he says.

"Why did you leave last night?" She whispers with her back to him so he can't see her crying.

"Elliot told me too" he says.

She takes a breath in, "You should of stop... He ...he-" she stutters nervously.

"What?" he asks slightly confused at what she is trying to say.

He watches Niamh play with her top, she turns around and he can see her crying "Look what he did" she says as she rolls her top up, to reveal the who of her left hand side of her ribs bruised.

"Oh my god Niamh" he says as he carefully pulls her into a hug.

She winces and jolts forward "Sorry it's agony" she mutters.

"This is all my fault" Joe says as he holds her close.

She shakes her head, "no it's not, he just looses it sometimes" she mutters as she looks down.

"Sometimes!" Joe says in shock as he looks at her ribs again.

Niamh gasps as he strokes her ribs, "it's only when he's stressed, I've been thinking of getting him a stress ball" Niamh laughs.

"Oh my god Niamh come here sweetie" he says as he pulls her into a hug and wipes away her tears.

"We have to go to the police" Joe says as he holds her hands.

Niamh panics "No it will only aggravate him even more!" She panics.
"Please Joe, don't do this" she says.

He kisses her cheek and hugs her "Come on Niamh this can't go on" he says as he is so worried about Her welfare.

"It will make matters worse Joe, you have no idea" she says as she breaks down.
"He'll kill me... And you if he ever found out" she whispers.

"Oh Niamh" he says as he hugs her again carefully. She wipes her tears away and makes her way to set.

Joe follows her worried about her. "So what's in store for Rara today?" she says trying to change the subject as she opens her script.

"Nothing much, it's all about Catherine today, she looks lovely after that two week holiday to Barbados, I wish I tanned like that" Joe says as he tries to bring up a joke.
Niamh laughs but instantly stops as her ribs hurt. Joe looks at her and panics, "breath Niamh, in through your nose and out through your mouth" he smiles and Niamh rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me Joe your only a pretend Doctor" she smirks.

"I'm worried about you are you sure you're okay?" he asks. She nods as she stands back up right and is joined by Catherine, Ellie and Camilla for a change.

"Everything alright you two?" they all ask and Niamh nods and smiles.

"Just took a fall down the stairs last night" Niamh lies as she knew she is going to be in pain all day with her ribs.

"Oh dear that sounds nasty, hope you're alright" Ellie smiles.

Niamh smiles "yeah they are wooden so it hurt twice as worse" she says as she reads through her script.

"Oh dear, get better soon" Camilla adds. Niamh smiles and makes her way to the set as they are on final call.

Joe mouths to her, "are you alright?"
She puts her thumbs up to him and smiles. He knew she was lying as she didn't look okay.
He can't say any more as the cameras are rolling.

He stands there on set reading through a patients file but quickly glances over at Niamh. Luckily the director doesn't notice as he had got himself in enough trouble yesterday.
They do their scenes and head for lunch.

He heads to the canteen but hears Niamh sobbing in her dressing room as he walks past. He decides to go in to see what's up. "Niamh what's up?" He says as he goes into her.

"Oh nothing I'm fine" she smiles as she quickly wipes her tears away and gets up off the floor.

"You clearly are not fine, what's the matter?" Joe asks as he sits her down and sits next to her.

"Joe how many weeks has it been since we first slept together?" Niamh says as Joe sits down next to her on the floor.

"I have no idea off hand, why?" he asks.

"Joe I just need to know, it's serious! A matter of life or death" she mutters.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea sweetie, why is it a matter of life and death?" he asks shocked.

Niamh blushes as starts to stutter "I... think I... It doesn't matter just me overreacting" She stutters

"No tell me, talk to me" he says as he takes her hand and kisses her cheek.

"Oh god, Elliot is going to kill me even more" she mutters nervously.

"Why?" Joe asks completly confused.

Niamh looks down at her lap, "there's a slight chance I might of missed a period" she whispers nervously.

Joe looks at her not knowing what to say, "well erm...have you taken a test?" he asks.

Niamh shakes her head... "No, I can't risk Elliot finding it" she mutters.

"Have you been sexually active with him ever since we 'did it'?" he asks rather cruiously.

Niamh thinks to herself "like... A few days ago, but I hardly think it was enjoyable" she says nervously.

"Joe...if I'm pregnant...there's a chance it could be...yours!" she stutters and cries hysterically. Joe freezes he didn't know what to do, he can't walk away from her now when she's like this, especially not how sensitive she is right now.
He pulls her into a hug carefully and holds her there. He doesn't know what to do or say at all.

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