He's ruined me

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"Niamhy?" Joe says as she gets dressed again.

She doesn't say anything but keeps her back to Joe.

Joe goes behind her and rests his head in her shoulder. She pulls away and goes to the door and unlocks it before going to her own dressing room.

Joe sighs and realises this is all because of what Elliot has done to her. He decides to leave her for a bit to cool off but realises she is crying next door.

He doesn't know if to leave her be or just to go and see her. He decides to go in to her as he thinks positively to himself.

"Niamh?" Joe says as he goes through to her.

She wipes away her tears and looks up at him heavy eyed, "yeah what do you want?" she asks.

"What a hug?" He says.

She nods, "It's like the only thing that doesn't give me butterflies" she sighs.

Joe sighs "do we need space?" He says.

"What do you mean?" she asks as he sits next to her and cuddles her close.

"I love you" Joe whispers.

"Joe... It's not you... It's me" she mumbles.

"Why? Talk to me sweetcheeks" he says as he strokes her arm.

"I love you, but I can't give you what you want" she says.

"Hey it was only some fun just for the craic, it's not like I want it, all I need is you and Matthew, your enough for me in life" he says.

"Look tonight if you need space I'll sleep downstairs" he says.

"Do you want me to sleep to sleep downstairs tonight?" he asks.

"Up to you" she mumbles.

"It's really your decision not mine" he says as he strokes her arm.

"Okay one night" Niamh mumbles.

"I'm sorry Joe...he's ruined me completly" she sighs.

Joe just hugs her and smiles. "I love you no matter what Niamhy" he says.

She nods and smiles a little at him. "Sorry" she sighs as she cuddles into his chest tears running down her face.
Joe hugs Niamh and smiles as he kisses her cheek. "I better go get Matthew" she says.

Joe grabs her hand "come on Niamhy" Joe says.

She stands up and grabs a tissue to fix herself before going to get Matthew. Joe sighs and gets himself changed.

She leaves the dressing room, "Niamh hang on a sec...I'm coming too" he says.

Niamh sighs and stops in her tracks,

Joe gets himself changed and goes to Niamh, "you know if you want some space for the evening I will go out" he says.

"Where?" she says.

"Just out" Joe replies.

"I don't want you to go" she says.

"It'll only be for an hour if you want" Joe says.

She shakes her head, "giving each other space is hardly going to change what he did to me" Niamh says.

Joe sighs and nods. "I don't get it" she says.

Joe looks at Niamh and takes her hand. He strokes the finger in which her engagement ring is on.

Niamh smiles a little and continues to let him strokes her hand. "I'm the one that's messed this relationship up" she sighs.

"No your not" he whispers.

"Elliot's just messed you up, you haven't ruined out relationship at all" he says, Joe squeezes her hand tightly and smiles.

"Shall we go get Matthew and then go for dinner eh?" he smiles as he pulls her into a hug.

She nods and they go to find Camilla. They are met by Niamh McGrady in the corridor, "Niamh have you seen Camilla or Ellie?" Joe asks.

"She's just down there she's got you wee one" Niamh McGrady says.

Niamh looks behind them to see Ellie and Camilla coming their direction. "Can I have my baby back please?" Niamh says.

Camilla nods and passes Matthew over to Niamh. "Here we go back to mummy" Camilla says.

Matthew looks up at Niamh wide eyed as he is awake. "Hello you" Niamh coos.

He lifts his head up out of Niamh's arms and looks around to see Joe. Niamh looks at Joe and smiles "hey you" Joe says.

Joe strokes his tummy, Matthew smiles and takes Joe's finger. "Thanks for taking him for a bit" Niamh says as she looks at Camilla and smiles.

"Always a pleasure" Camilla smiles.

Niamh puts Matthew in the car seat in the buggy, Matthew looks up at her. She puts his blanket over him and gives him his dummy.

Matthew kicks his legs and squeals. Niamh smiles and then looks up at Joe, "ready?" she asks.

Joe nods and smiles happily, They say their goodbyes and head to the car.

Niamh is rather talkative which is a shock to Joe considering what's just happened. "I met a fan today, she came over and spoke" Niamh smiles.

"Oh really what did they have to say?" Joe says.

"Nothing really...she was rather nervous at first" she says.

Joe laughs "ahh they always go to jelly when they meet you" he smirks.

"I know...I mean why's it always me" she giggles.

"Because your gorgeous" he says.

"Aw thanks" she smiles happily which Joe is rather suprised at as she seems to now be herself.

Niamh smiles at him and Joe gets Matthew into the car. They both get into the front..."so where shall we go for dinner?" Joe asks.

"I don't know" Niamh says.

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