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They get to the beach and take a walk along it. "Lovely sunset isn't it" Niamh smiles. Joe nods and Niamh looks at him, "what's up with you?You've gone all quiet all of a sudden" Niamh says.

"Nothing just thinking" he smiles.

"Would you like to think out loud? I mean I'm all ears" Niamh smiles as she kisses his cheek.

Joe smiles and strokes her hand with his thumb. "So? What's up?" she asks.

"Just thinking of Matthew.... And you" Joe smiles.

"What about me and Matthew?" she smiles.

"You know how these past few months we've had Matthew properly in our lives and how I can't wait for all these magical things to come" Joe smiles.

"Aw" Niamh smiles as she giggles a little too.

Joe smiles back at her as Niamh stops and takes her shoes off as there is a large amount of sand in her shoes. "Shall we go in the sea?" Niamh smiles.

"Why don't we in a bit yeah?" He smiles.

"Oh okay" Niamh smiles as she goes to put her shorts back on again.

Niamh looks up "oh look at that Joe" Niamh says in awe as she looks at the sunset.

"Yep indeed" Joe says in a rushed but nervous tone. Niamh stands watching the sunset unaware of what Joe is doing next to her.

"It's rather tumblr" she says as she gets her phone out and takes a picture. Joe smiles at her as she watches it "oh defiantly Instagram material too" Niamh smiles.

Joe gets the box out his pocket and gets down on one knee "Niamh?" Joe says.

"Hang on, I want several photos" she says.

"Niamh?" He laughs.

He takes her hand, "ooh you've got clamy hands" she says as she is still completly oblivious to what he's doing.

"Babe?" Joe says as Niamh finally turns to look at him and sees him down on one knee, she gasps and raises her free hand to her mouth.

"You're not doing what I think you're doing?" she says as she starts to get all giggly which Joe finds incredibly cute.

"No I'm just tying my shoe lace with a ring in my hand" he jokes.

"Oh my goodness Joe" she giggles as she has really bad butterflies now.

"So?" Joe mutters, "okay so yeah... I love you... What can I say?" Joe says as he tries to think of something to say to Niamh.

"Are you going to give me a big speeh?" she giggles as she swings his hand back and forth to stop the nerves from getting to her.

Joe smiles at her "your incredibly gorgeous Niamh and I really want to spend the rest of our lives together, Matthew was possibly our biggest mistake as collegues but Niamh I wouldn't change the way things have changed for anything " Joe smiles

Niamh blushes, "nawh" she giggles.

"Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Joe smiles.

The butterflies in Niamh stomach start to get worse and she gets even more giggly. "Niamh you've gone all giggly.., and breathe?" He says as she doesn't seem to take a breath at all.

"Sorry, I've got really bad butterflies" she giggles as she smiles at him happily.

"So?" Joe says trying not to get his hopes up as he realises Niamh could possibly turn him down. Niamh looks at him totally shocked and in awe, "Niamhy my legs going numb any time today babe?" he says.

A wide grin forms on Niamh's face and she starts to nod, "yes of course" she says. Joe smiles at her happily, "You and Matthew are all I need" she squeals.

She throws her arms around him and kisses him, Joe then pulls away a little and rests his forehead against hers and puts the ring on her finger. "Oh my goodness it's absolutely gorgeous Joe" Niamh squeals in excitement.
She looks at it and then kisses him "perfect fit too" Niamh smiles

"I had palpatations, I was so nervous" Joe says as he blushes.

He strokes Niamh's cheek as they remain forehead to forehead and she smiles at him. "You shouldn't have been nervous babe, I love you" she smiles happily.

Joe kisses Niamh again and then pulls away and holds her around her waist, "you said you wanted to go in the sea? Ready?" Joe says.

"Only if you want to?" she smiles happily.

"Of course" Joe smiles as he pulls her top off. Niamh takes her shorts off and her crop top.
"Jesus Christ Niamhy" Joe says as he looks her up and down.

"What?" she giggles.

"Your so fit" he mutters.

"Oh shut up, you tell me that all the time...and I'm not" she giggles.

"I would have you in every single way right here right now if there wasn't spectators" Joe says hoping Niamh catches on.

Niamh gives a nervous laugh, He pulls her close and messes with her bra. He lifts her up and heads for the sea.
"Joe put me down" she squeals but Joe refuses too.

He runs into the sea and goes in so the sea is around his waist. Niamh giggles at him and stands up.

Joe holds her around the waist and looks down at her lovingly. "I asked your wee mummy and daddy for permission...that's how nervous I was" Joe says.

Niamh smiles at her "gosh Joe that's old fashioned" Niamh giggles.

"I was worried you'd say no though" Joe stutters.

she giggles "I wouldn't of said no Joe, you've my world... You and Matthew are and don't forget you saved me" she smiles as she leans into a kiss.

"I love you" she utters as she kisses him passionately. Joe wraps his arms around her body and he sits down in the sea pulling Niamh onto him.

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