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Niamh giggles and rubs her bump, They head back to set and are called straight back.

"Better crack a smile for me sexy" he says as he taps her nose before they are met by everyone.

Niamh frowns at him then stops herself, she puts her hand under her bump "Aaah" she moans.

"Niamh?! What is it?" Joe says as he looks over his shoulder at her.

"O,o shit" she groans as she leans against the wall.

"What's up?" he asks.

Ellie walks over to them, "here you two aren't needed just yet, another 10mins and you'll both be on" she smiles.
Ellie then notices that Niamh is in some discomfort and distress.

"Niamh what's up? Maybe you should take the rest of the day off" Ellie suggests.

"I agree" Joe says as Niamh grits her teeth.

She moans and breathes heavily, "no, I need to finish" Niamh mumbles
She stands up and takes a deep breath, "look I'm absolutely fine now" she says as she smiles through the pain.
"Now if you would excuse me I think I might go to my dressing room until we are on set" she says.

Joe shakes his head and watches her walking off. "Don't just stand there go with her!" Ellie whispers incase Niamh hears and flips her lid.

Joe follows Niamh who isn't impressed at all. "Niamh wait" he says as he goes after her.

"No I'm not waiting and I'm in too much pain... To even talk to you" she moans.

"You don't have to talk to me but is there anything I can do?" he asks as he barges into her dressing room as quickly as he can before she shuts the door.

"Go away" she says as she sits down.

"How about I try rubbing your back? That might make you feel a bit better" he offers.

Niamh rolls her eyes "touch me and I will fucking break your arms" she snaps but Joe knows she doesn't mean it

"Calm down Niamh" he says as he sits down next to her.

Niamh leans forward and moans "I can't take this" she groans.
Joe risks it and rubs her back and then stops as she sits back up again. She does say anything but sits there quite contently.

He rubs her lower back where she keeps complaining about, "any better?" he asks. She nods and smiles to herself, just as Ellie comes in.

She closes her eyes and Joe rolls her top up a little and coutinues to rub it. 
"guys your needed" Ellie smiles.

Niamh groans. They get up and head back to set where Niamh films her final scenes before she is allowed on maternity leave. The scene goes rather well until her last line when she cries out in pain.
"Niamh?" Catherine questions as she goes over to her as she is also in her final scene.

"I'm fine I'm fine" she says.

Catherine isn't convinced "hey chin up one last scene" she smiles.

Niamh nods as she grits her teeth and clenches her fists.  "Hmm seems like someone's getting ready to come" Catherine says as they get back into position.

"Please don't tell me that" Niamh panics. Catherine smiles at her as they start to film again and luckily this time it all goes well.

After they have finished filming Niamh goes to the bathroom as baby is pressing on her bladder badly.

Once she comes out the toilet she is met by Camilla "hey... Erm... Steven the new director who's writing your character out he wants to see you on Darwin set" she smiles.

Niamh smiles and nods before holding her bump again. Camilla walks with her to Darwin set and when she gets there, the whole production crew are there including the executive producer.

"I'm in a great deal of pain so please make this quick" she sighs.

"Niamh come here" Oliver the executive producer smiles, and Niamh walks over to him reluctantly.

"Hi" she smiles as she tries not to react to the pain.

"I know your in a great deal of pain but can I just say from the whole production crew and myself, that you are going to be missed dearly! I remember meeting you at the auditions and how lovely you were and I think everyone will agree with me you are a valued actress and I can't wait for you to come back in August next year, your going to be a great mum and remember where we are when he corms along, we all want a little hold" Oliver smiles. "So from the bottom of all our hearts here at team holby we wish you good luck and enjoy motherhood" Oliver finally finishes and he hands her some flowers and Tracy from makeup gives her a gift basket.

"Oh guys, thank you all so much" she says as she hold her bump again.

Niamh tries to fight back her tears but she can't help it and she start to cry again. "Oh lord don't go all soppy on us you edjit" Oliver laughs as he hands her a tissue.

"I will be sure to bring him in" she smiles as she wipes her eyes and rubs her bump.

Oliver smiles, "well enjoy all of your sleepless nights" he laughs which makes Niamh giggle.

"Oh I will" she jokes.
She says her goodbyes to everbody before heading to her dressing room to get changed.

Once changed Joe meets up with her and they head to the car and he carries her presents she has been given. She is still in a lot of pain but she is unsure of weather to tell Joe or not.

"Niamh babe, you don't look well" he says as he gets in the car.

"I don't feel well" she mumbles.

Joe smiles at her "well you have all the time in the world now to sleep and make yourself comfortable" Joe smiles happily.

"There's no position I'm comfortable in right now" she moans.

"Have a bath then see if you can relax or well I did read somewhere that is can get things started with labour and all" he says.

"Well I'm not having a bath then!" she says. Joe rolls his eyes and says no more to her.

"You do realise baby comes when he's ready" Joe says after a few minutes of silence.

Niamh nods "maybe not today though please" she says.

"I know" he says as he rubs her knee.
They head home and as soon as they get in Niamh falls asleep on the sofa.
Joe smiles and places a gentle kiss on her head before resting his hand on her bump to find out that he was asleep.

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