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"Right so shall we unpack now then go for drinks?" Ellie suggests as they get to their hotel room. Niamh nods and smiles and lifts her case onto the bed and opens it. "I bet it's weird not having Matthew around" Ellie says.

"It is, it's so quite" she laughs.
Ellie smiles at her and laughs too, "he's getting so independent now" Niamh smiles.

"He'll be crawling before you know it" Ellie smiles.

"Oh don't tell me that he's growing up too quick for my liking" Niamh says.

Ellie smiles, "aw bless he's a cutie" she giggles as they unpack.

Niamh puts a few things in a draw before stopping and pulling dummy out suit case.

"Looks like Joe will have hassle settling him tonight" Niamh laughs as she pulls out Matthews lion dummy.

"Oh that's the cutest" Ellie smiles.

Niamh laughs and smiles before putting it in her handbag so she doesn't loose it.

"So what's it to be when we do for a Drink? Alcohol or non alcoholic drinks?" Ellie asks.

"Alcohol for deffinate!" Niamh laughs.

"Well we have a voucher here for one free bottle of champagne" Ellie says.

"Oh yes, well let's go and we'll get a bite to eat and then I can FaceTime joe before Matty's bedtime" Niamh smiles.

"So we just going out tonight?" Ellie asks.

Niamh nods, "well if you want to do something else just say" Niamh smiles.

"I think just a few glasses of wine downstairs will be enough... Unless you want to go out out?" Ellie suggests.

"Yeah that's what I mean" Niamh smiles.

"Okay we'll go out" Ellie smiles.

Niamh smiles, "actually let's stay in and go out tomorrow" Niamh says.

"Sure?" She asks.

"Yeah" Niamh smiles.

They finish unpacking and Niamh gives Joe a quick text to see how he's getting on.

'Landed safetly, at the hotel now about to go out, how's Matty? Xx' she texts.

Niamh doesn't get a text straight away so she presumes they are either out, having too much fun or asleep.

They head downstairs to the bar and restaurant. "I will take that phone of yours off you if you don't put it down" Ellie says as they get a table.

"But what if something is up, he hasn't replied in... Fifteen minutes" Niamh panics.

"Niamh I'm sure Joe and Matthew are having fun, stop the panicing and enjoy yourself" Ellie smiles.

"But it's my first time away from him" Niamh says.

"But you know Joe will look after him, you can FaceTime him later, your worrying yourself for nothing and it will just ruin the trip" Ellie smiles.

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