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Later on Niamh wakes and feels rather odd, she doesn't know if she's hungry or she is dehydrated.
She also has a dead arm as of the way she had been lying.

She rubs her arm and tries to get some feeling back to it. She sits up and rubs her bump a little.

Niamh grabs her phone and looks to see a message from Joe 'how's you and the little man?' she reads which makes her smile.

'I drifted off there for a bit, quite tired but I'm alright I guess. How's work?' she replies.

She instantly gets a reply 'it's boring without you, just a load of theatre scenes today' he replies.

'Not much fun then? X' she giggles to herself before replying.

'Will be finishing in around an hour do you want anything?' He texts back.

Niamh thinks to herself for a while, 'I'm rather hungry, I fancy KFC, this is your fault baby is demanding KFC... Oh god I'm craving again' she replies to him.

Joe laughs to himself as another message comes through from her, 'You know because you love me? Want to buy me a KFC? Could also do with a back and foot rub? Up for it? XxXxX lots of love' the message reads which makes Joe laugh.

'Anything for you princess, but please don't vomit on me xxx' he replies as he makes his way to his dressing room.

'I'll try my best not too xxx' she replies.
With that Joe makes his way out of work and goes to get Niamh her dinner.
Once home he goes to the lounge to hear Niamh talking to herself and stroking her bump which he finds incredibly cute.

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness" Joe laughs as he comes into the lounge.

He makes her jump, "don't come round corners like!" she says in shock.

Joe puts his things down "oh babe I'm sorry I forgot" he says as he hugs her.

"You know because you love me?" she giggles as she flutters her eyelashes at him.

"Yes what is it now?" he laughs.

Niamh smiles at him and cuddles him, "rub my back please?" She giggles and Joe smiles at her.

"Eat your dinner first" he smiles.

He hands he the KFC and comes and sits next to her putting her feet on his lap. Niamh smiles at him and gives him an innocent look, "it's hard growing a baby" she smiles as she starts to eat.

"And so you proceed to tell me" he smiles. Niamh smiles and says no more as she begins to eat.

"What's been happening today with this little guy?" Joe smiles as he rests one hand on her bump.

"Oh you know the usual, kicked, battered and sat on my bladder by this one" Niamh smiles as she rubs her bump

"I might of had a little accident too" she giggles.

Joe rolls his eyes "what now? You didn't fall did you?" He says as he starts to panic.

"No, but what did happen was your fault!" she giggles. Joe raises an eyebrow and nicks a chip off her.

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