you broke my heart

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I kept walking around the arena with my hand around my mouth. Why the hell did Fergal kiss me? I can't believe he just blindsided me like that. Maybe it's because Colby and I broke up. He might've just wanted to make me feel better that?


Colby yelled as he grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Colby get away from me! I have nothing to say to you."

I said as I tried to snatch my arm away. But it didn't work.

"Why the hell did Fergal kiss you?"

Colby asked me.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea."

I said as tears started falling down my face.

"Pam don't cry. I hate seeing tears fall down your beautiful face. Listen, I'm so sorry for what I did to you Pam. I fucked up and I won't do it again."

"You told me that last night and I fucking believed you! You are done breaking my heart Colby Lopez. I want you out of my life for forever."

I said as I ripped my arm away from him and started walking away. Next thing I knew, I fell face first into the ground. Colby fucking tripped me.


I yelled as I held my bleeding lip. I looked up to see Colby disappeared. That's when Fergal came into view.

"Let me help you up."

Fergal said as he stuck his hand out. I was hesitant at first but then I accepted.


I said as I kept my hand over my top lip.

"Let me see it."

Fergal said as he moved my hand and looked at the cut on my lip.

"You should be fine. You don't need to go see medical. That lip with be fine for kissing in a few days."

"Okay stop it!"

I yelled as I backed away from him.

"Stop what?"

"The flirting! Stop flirting with me! You're messing with my head Fergal! Just...give me a few days to clear my head. Quit confusing me."

I said as I walked away from him. My mind is just jumbled with thoughts. Why can't I just get these damn boys outta my head and focus on my career?

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