final preparations

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5 Weeks Later

"Did you get the car seat in?"

I asked Fergal as he walked into the nursery.

"Yep. Did you finish packing the baby bag?"

"Yep. Here ya go."

I said as I handed him the bag. He placed it on the door handle so it was good to go for when we needed it. We stood in the doorway of the nursery as looked around.

"Can you believe that the next time we come in here that we'll be bringing Brinley in here?"

Fergal asked me. I'm 38 Weeks pregnant today so we put the finishing touches on getting ready for Brinley.

"No. I can't believe we're going to be parents in 2 weeks or less. Where did the time go?"

I said as I rested my head on Fergal's shoulder.

"I don't know but I feel ready for Brin."

"I don't. I'm scared of giving birth. Braxton Hicks hurt enough let alone the real thing."

"Don't be scared. I'll be there the whole time. I won't leave you once."

Fergal said as he kissed my forehead. I shut the door to the nursery and we headed downstairs. We sat on the couch and I placed my hand on Fergal's lap.

"What do you think she's gonna look like?"

Fergal asked as he ran his hand through my hair.

"I'm not sure. I hope she has your beautiful blue eyes. Mine look like crap."

"Your eyes are gorgeous. They're my favorite eyes to look at."

Fergal said as I smiled.

"I think she's gonna be pale like you but I hope she looks like me. I've always pictured my daughter looking like me."

I said.

"Well, if she does look like you, then she will be the most beautiful little baby ever. Well, she'll be beautiful no matter what."

Fergal said as I smiled. He kissed my lips and I ended up falling asleep with my head on his lap. That's when I was awoken to a sharp pain in my stomach and something running down my leg.


I yelled as I shook him awake.

"What's wrong?"

He grumbled.

"I think I'm in labor."

I said. He instantly shot up and helped me up off the cough.

"I'll grab the baby bag while you get your shoes on."

Fergal said as I nodded. I slipped on some flip flops and waited by the door.

"Okay, you ready to be a Mummy?"

Fergal asked.

"No but...let's do this."

I said with a smile as Fergal helped me out of the house and to the car. See you soon, Brinley Mae.

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