making choices

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"I miss her so much."

I said as I looked at the picture of Brinley on my phone.

"I know. I can't imagine the pain you're going through."

My Mom said as she rubbed my back.

"I just feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out. I miss my baby girl so much. I don't know how I'm going to feel this pain got 18 years before going insane."

I said as tears rolled my face.

"It'll get better. I promise. Maybe you can focus on getting back in the ring."

"I'm not getting back in the ring."

"What?! Why? You've always loved the ring."

My Mom said.

"I can't. I just can't. My career is over. My life is over. My whole life began when I had Brinley and it's been torn away from me. I'm just kinda done. I might as well buy an apartment and just mope around for 18 years until I can see my daughter. Maybe then I'll be able to talk to Brinley and she probably won't believe me. My life is just over."

I cried as I got up off the couch and headed to my room. I just wanted to see my baby girl and hold her and tell her that I love her. But that seems just borderline impossible at this point.

Fergal's POV

"Shhh, Brin it's okay. Please go back to sleep."

I said as I rocked her back and forth. I've tried getting her back to sleep since 3am and it's currently 7am. I honestly think she just misses her Mom but...we can't find her.

I got Pam's fine payed and I got the court to let her see Brinley. If only I could just find her and tell her.

"Let me try this."

I said as I grabbed my phone and pulled up an interview with Pam. I showed it to Brinley and she immediately stopped crying and started grabbing my phone. I placed Brinley and the phone down in the crib and Brinley quickly fell asleep.

"I knew you missed your Mummy. I'll find her. I promise."

I said as I placed a kiss on Brinley's forehead and walked out of the room.

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