lose it all

122 7 4

"I feel so stupid Mercy."

I said as I wiped my tears off my face.

"Don't be. If you're in love with him, then you are. And if he doesn't love you, at least you have Colby."

Mercades said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I know. I really do love Fergal though. But he doesn't want me. Maybe I should just forget it. He's happy with Danielle. I'm sorta happy with Colby. I guess that's what it's destined to be."

I said as I sighed.

"Just learn to be happy with Colby. And Kai will come around to you I promise."

"Okay. Thanks Mercy. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Bye."

Mercades said as she hung up. I stood up off the bed and noticed a red spot on the bedsheets. I know exactly what it is.

"No. I can't be..."

I said as I wrapped my arms around my stomach. Tears fell down my face as I sat on the floor and buried my face into my knees.

"You were suppose to be our miracle baby."

I sobbed into my knees. I grabbed my phone and dialed Colby's number.

"Hey baby. What's up?"

He asked as he answered.

"Colby, I had a miscarriage."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I lost the baby Colby. Can you please come home? I'm heartbroken."

I sobbed.

"Of course. I'm on the next flight out. I love you and don't do anything drastic. I'll be there in a few hours."

Colby said as he hung up. I put my phone to the side and continued crying. Why do all these bad things keep happening to me?

hard to get | baylor (completed)Where stories live. Discover now