i give it all up

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I sighed as I pulled my keys out of my bag and unlocked the front door. I left Orlando after Mercades fell asleep because I just couldn't be in Orlando anymore. It brought too much heartbreak.

I walked into the house and saw all of my stuff laying throughout the house.


I called as I walked around. I walked into the bedroom to see Colby tearing my clothes apart.

"Colby stop!"

I yelled at him.

"Why should I? You're the reason I lost my only child! What did you fucking do Pamela?!"

Colby yelled in my face.

"You told me it wasn't my fault."

I sobbed as he backed me into the wall.

"I lied. You're a stupid bitch. You killed my child. We're done. I fucking hate you."

Colby said as he stormed out of the house. Tears fell down my cheeks as I started pacing. Fergal hates me. Colby hates me. Kaileah hates me. There's no reason for me to live, right?

"I can't do this. I can't do this anymore."

I sobbed. I grabbed my phone and dialed Fergal's number.

"Pam, what do you want now?"

Fergal asked as he picked up.

"Can you just do me a favor real quick? I won't be asking you for anything ever again just please do this for me."

I sniffled.


"Tell Kaileah I love her."

"I'll do it when she wakes up. Goodbye."

Fergal said as he hung up. I walked upstairs and opened the window. I sat out on the ledge as I sighed. There's no reason for me to live if no one loves or wants me.

So I jumped off the ledge. Maybe this try will work.

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