runaway from the truth

178 13 7

"Thank you for bailing me out."

I said as I hugged Colby.

"Of course. What's your charges?"

"A $2,500 fine and I can't see Brinley till she's 18."

I said as tears rushed down my face.

"I'm so sorry baby."

"I'm not gonna see her for 18 years. Gosh, my heart is broken. I can't believe I'm never gonna see her again."

I sobbed.

"It's gonna be okay. Let's go home."

Colby said as he led out to the car. I can't see my baby girl till she's 18. I have to miss out on 18 years of her life. I carried her for nine months and two stupid mistakes had her ripped away from me.

"Everything is gonna be okay. I promise."

Colby said as he kissed me. I wanted to believe him but...I can't anymore.


"You okay?"

Colby asked as I sat in the rocking chair in Brinley's nursery.

"I miss her so much. I wish I could go back in time."

I sniffled as I held one of Brinley's stuffed animals close to me.

"Can I tell you something?"

Colby asked. I nodded as I took a deep breath.

"I called the police when I came back up here for Brin's clothes. I thought they would arrest Fergal but...they arrested you."

Colby confessed. I looked at him in utter shock.

"You. You're the reason I'm never gonna see my daughter again!"

I yelled at him.

"Pam I'm so-"

"No! Get out! I never wanna see you again! Get out of my house!"

I screamed in his face. Colby left with his held hung as I went into my bedroom and packed a suitcase. I can't stay here. Not in Orlando at least. And no one can know where I'm going. I packed up a bunch of clothes and dialed Fergal's number.

"Pam? What's up?"

"Fergal, I need to tell you something. Don't say anything. Just listen. I was arrested after the visit with Brinley. They said I can't see her till she's 18. And Colby said that he called the police. I need to go away. Please promise me you'll take amazing care of my daughter."

"Where are you going to go?"

"Don't worry about it. Just promise me you'll meet a nice girl and get her a new mom and take amazing care of her."

"Fine. I promise."

"Good. Don't look for me. I love you. Tell Brin I love her too."

I said as I hung up. I raced out to my car and pulled out of the driveway. Time to get away.

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