and one more makes three

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2 Months Later

"Are you gonna help me put this in your brother's dresser?"

I asked Brinley as she picked up one of Kieran's onesies.


She cheered as I smiled. Kieran is going to be here any day now and I haven't talked to Fergal since the incident at the park.

There is no way I'm compromising with him to let Brinley around Cathy. I wouldn't be surprised if Cathy tried to take over as Brinley and Kieran's mom if they're at Fergal's house.

I don't know if I want Fergal there when Kieran is born. All he's done during this pregnancy is make me angry, hurt, and cry. He couldn't even come to Brinley's birthday so why should he be there when Kieran is born?

"Let's go see if Aunt Mercades is here yet."

I said as I picked Brinley up and threw the packed baby bag onto my shoulder. I walked downstairs but when I got downstairs I felt something run down my leg.


I mumbled as I quickly put Brinley on the couch and grabbed my phone.

"Hey Pam. What's up?"

Mercades asked as she picked up the phone.

"How far are you from my house?"

"I'm about to pull in, why?"

"I think my water just broke."

I said as I rubbed my bump.

"Okay, I'll be in to grab you and Brin. Hold on."

Mercades said as she hung up. Within seconds she was in the house and helping Brin and I to the car. After Brinley was strapped into her car seat, Mercades got into the driver side and I sat on the passenger side.

"You ready for Kieran to come?"

Mercades asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

"No. I'm not ready to be a single Mom to two."

I said with a bit of panic in my voice.

"Don't worry. Kieran is gonna love you."

Mercades said as I took a deep breath.


"God this hurts."

I groaned. Leah took Brinley to her house while Mercy stayed with me at the hospital.

"Take a deep breath."

Mercy said as a knock came from the door.

"Why are you here?"

I asked Fergal as he walked in the door.

"Leah told me that you're in labor. I have a right to be here when my son is born."

Fergal said as I rolled my eyes.


I said. I leaned over to Mercades and whispered something into her ear. Mercades and nodded and she stood up and walked out of the room.

"What's she going to do?"

Fergal asked me.

"You'll see."

I said. We heard some screams outside the room and then Mercades returned but she was dragging Cathy in by her hair.

"That's what I thought. Just leave. Get out. I don't want Kieran to get attached to you when you leave him. I don't want him to hurt like Brinley does."

I said as tears fell down my face.


"Get out!"

I screamed at him. Cathy grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the room as I tried to calm down. That's when I felt another contraction coming.


I asked as I clutched my stomach.


"Can you grab the doctor? I think I need to push."

I said as Mercy nodded and left the room. Soon the doctor came back in and assured me that I'm at 10 centimeters. 25 Minutes passed before I wanted to give up pushing.

"C'mon Pam. You're almost there."

Mercades said as I fell back onto the bed.

"I can't do this anymore Mercy. It hurts too bad."

I sobbed.

"Two more big pushes. I promise. You can do this."

Mercy said as she grabbed my hand. I nodded as I gave another big push.

"His Head is out! One more Pam!"

Mercy said with a smile. I gave another big push before the room filled with cries. They placed Kieran on my chest as I started crying.

"Hello baby boy! I love you."

I whispered as I kissed him. Now that I have my baby boy, my family is complete. Brinley, Kieran, And Mommy.

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