Alone in the Attic

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Story: Alone in the Attic

Monster(s): Alfie, a life-size mannequin doll design after the youngest member of the Fitzwilliam family possessed by the vengeful spirit of Alfie Fitzwilliam himself.

A former stage actor and illusionist, John Kemp/Mesmero, lands a job as the new housekeeper for the wealthy Fitzwilliam family in their Second Empire-style mansion in Bath, Somerset, England. They are a strange bunch as the parents are prone to mood swings. He learns that their youngest son, Alfie, is nothing more than a life-size silicone mannequin of a 6-year old boy.

They claim that the real Alfie died in car crash months ago and they couldn't cope. Everything goes well until John starts hearing footsteps from the attic. One night, he goes to investigate and finds no one there, but a set of medieval torture devices. It turns out that young Alfie Fitzwilliam was a peculiar, clumsy child who never seemed to get anything right, much to his parent's ire.

He always wanted to be in theater against his father's wishes, so they abused him and even dragged him up to the attic for the most sever punishment until he respects them. Eventually, Alfie died during one night of comeuppance and his parents were devastated by what they have done.

They attempted to make up for it by designing the doll. His spirit possessed the doll and he's getting his revenge on his parents by driving them crazy.

John Kemp/Mesmero, a drunk and disgraced former magician who lands a job as the Fitzwilliams' new housekeeper.
Lord Arthur Fitzwilliam III, CBE, the patriarch of the family who once served in the British Special Forces and later a commanding officer of the Queen's Guard.
Lady Elizabeth Fitzwilliam, the matriarch of the family and Arthur's wife.
Lillian Fitzwilliam, the eldest daughter of the family.
Miriam Fitzwilliam, the middle child of the family.
Ebenezer Mattingley, the family butler.
Wilhelmina, the head maid.
Alfie Fitzwilliam, the youngest son of the family who tragically died at a young age.

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