All Aboard the Train to Nowhere

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Story: All Aboard the Train to Nowhere

Monster(s): The '98 Skull Locomotive, a monstrous ghost train that runs on it's own set of tracks as it goes and is possessed by the ghost of the train's conductor.

In the year 1898, a train, while transporting passengers, accidentally hit a rock in the tracks, causing it to fall over and crash, killing many of it's passengers and it's conductor. After the derailment, they had the tracks removed. As for the train, however, they buried it underground, along with the bodies.

 Years later in 2016, a gang of Las Vegas friends go to camp out in the desert. One night, Cale wakes up to the sound of a train and follows it. What he finds is the ghost of a train running across the desert grounds, even though there is no railroad. All of the sudden, the train chases after him and runs him over. 

The rest of the group are hunted down by the ghost train during the night. After digging into the phantom locomotive's history, it was discovered that it's late conductor, Constantine J. Dorfwick, was a disfigured man who was constantly picked on and they deduce that the train is the ghost of Dorfwick himself.

Constantine J. Dorfwick, the ghost of the train's conductor who possesses the train itself from beyond the grave.

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