No Swimming Allowed

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Story: No Swimming Allowed

Monster(s): The Shark of the Deep End, a prehistoric Megalodon that feeds on surfers near beaches.

During the summertime at the Copper Downe Beach in North Carolina, teenager Mike Erant is hesitant about asking out his crush, Sarah Copper, a popular girl at his school and descendant of the founder of the town, Thomas J. Copper. She tends to show off in her swimsuits, much to Mike's delight. 

However, he lacks the courage in doing so. Soon after, a young boy is dragged underwater and the beachgoers look to see blood and a shark's fin floating about the surface, erupting a panic among the crowd. The town closes the beach down, but Mike is curious about this unexpected tragedy. 

Overnight, the sneaks into the beach with a raw ham to capture the beast himself. When the bait has been taken, Mike is alarmed to notice that the animal is a Great White shark whose size is bigger than any normal shark and it's able to leap itself halfway onto the dock to almost grab Mike with his jaws. 

The puzzled Mike knows that there are mostly sandbar sharks in North Carolina instead ofGreat Whites.

Mike Erant, a meek school teen.
Sarah Cooper, the popular girl in school.
Drake, Sarah's ex-boyfriend who is the first one to be eaten by the shark.
Capt. Sylvester Donaldson, the local fisherman who is out to get the shark for eating his leg.

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