Give Us Candy or Die!

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Story: Give Us Candy or Die!

Monster(s): Stingy Jack, the mythical spirit of the mischievous troublemaker who makes his mark on Halloween by pulling pranks.

A mischievous 10-year old girl, Anne and her friends plan for the best Halloween ever. They would play pranks on the people of their neighborhood after receiving candy from each house. 

That night, when Anne's older sister, Edith, goes out to a Halloween party instead of taking her and her friends out for trick-or-treating, the little hellions venture out on their own while their divorced mother gives out candy. All's well with the kids when they are suddenly pranked themselves by an unseen force.

Their incessant pranks and abuse to the holiday traditions have awakened Stingy Jack, a pumpkin-headed spirit who takes pleasure in causing mischief among the mortals during Halloween. 

Anne is kidnapped by Stingy Jack who tries to rape her, but she smashes his head into pieces with a crowbar, allowing her to escape. From then on, Anne made a vow to never play pranks again.

Anne Stanker, a troublesome girl who loves to play practical jokes.
Edith Stanker, Anne's negligent older sister.
Rodney, one of Anne's best friends.
Mona, one of Anne's best friends.
Bill, one of Anne's best friends.

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