Have Fun at Terrorworld

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Story: Have Fun at Terrorworld

Monster(s): Terrorworld, an old, abandoned horror-themed amusement park that is managed by a variety of monster and ugly creatures of the night.

Deborah and her friend, Ami, want to go to that amusement park they discovered called Terrorworld. But when they get in, they discover how scary and spooky it is inside. And the people who work there aren't people at all, but a variety of hellish monsters and the ride are rickety and in poor condition, like they could come apart at any minute. 

The so-called employees persuade them to ride the scariest ride in the entire park, The Mighty Drop. Finally aware of the situation, the two girls shake the monstrous staff and hide from them. The monsters give chase, ending with the girls running into the House of Actual Horrors. 

Deborah fends them off with a sharp rebar and they escape the haunted theme park and agree to keep this to themselves.

Deborah, a rambunctious risk-taker.
Ami, a nervous girl and Deborah's friend.
The Hood
The Blob Chef
The Unforeseen Beast
The Demon Carnies

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