Have a Happy Time Before You Die

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Story: Have a Happy Time Before You Die

Monster(s): The Happytime Friends, a bunch of puppet characters famous in the children's television show of the same name who have acquired lives of their own and are now bloodthirsty killers.

Ashton Wallace, a retired puppeteer and actor, is called back to the old studio in San Jose where the old, 1970's children's puppet television series, The Happytime Friends, was filmed. There he meets a few of his old coworkers and they enter the studio, which is now used for broadcasting the news, after dark. 

Everything there has changed since it's been renovated, except when they enter the basement that they find the old Happytime Friends rod puppets used on the show. Ashton recognizes the characters, Minty, Mumble, Jiggy-Jingle, Tiptoe & Tippytoe and the main protagonist, Zesty. But not long after, strange things begin to happen.

Puppets are seen from one place to another and Ashton's arm starts to move of it's own volition. It is revealed that the puppets are actually alive and are malevolent. Zesty as psychokinetic abilities, including the power to control one's body against their will, therefore, making them the puppets. 

Ashton fights against Zesty's control and rips the puppet's head off, spurting out blood from it's body.

Ashton Wallace, a former puppeteer and voice actor who once voiced the character, Zesty.
Kelly Middendorf, the former screenwriter for the show.
Jay Hall, a drunkard who was the cinematographer for the show.

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