One Last Step for Man

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Story: One Last Step for Man

Monster(s): The Lunaroids, savage extraterrestrials that inhabit the Earth's moon.

NASA puts the Apollo 20 into fruition by sending astronauts, Captain David Michelson, Lt. Commander Robert Simpson and Admiral Jason Leaks into their vessel, U.S. Roosevelt, to the moon for the mission, adapted from the previous failed Apollo missions in which they will attempt to build a colony on the moon. 

As they arrive, it's as deserted and cold as is. David and Robert journey out onto the rocky environment, but catch a glimpse of a humanoid figure disappearing down a large crater. Robert goes in solo to see what it was. 10 minutes later, Robert does not return and David is forced to back to the model without him. 

Moments pass by and there is still no sign of Robert. Suddenly, their moon rover is attacked by grey-skinned humanoid aliens. One of them is wearing Robert's suit. It runs out that Robert was ambushed inside the crater by Lunaroids, mutated moon creatures who were once human before their transformation. 

Robert is now a mutated Lunaroid. Before David could send a distress signal to NASA, the Lunaroids abduct him to mutate him as well.

Captain David Michelson, captain of the U.S. Roosevelt.
Lt. Commander Robert Simpson, executive officer of the U.S. Roosevelt.
Admiral Jason Leaks

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