Spring Break of Death!

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Story: Spring Break of Death!

Monster(s): The Mosasaurus, a massive, carnivorous aquatic dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period that's been eating up anything alive in the water.

It's about to be Spring Break at Flemming, Nevada and everyone is excited to party out on the lake. Meanwhile, Sheriff Jack Argos has been getting reports of dead bodies found in the lake, apparently chewed up by some shark or something, but he is ignored by the mayor, who fears this would jeopardize the town's Spring Break celebration. 

A group of teens go skinny dipping on the lake, but are soon grabbed underwater by some enormous sea monster. Spring Break arrives and everyone's at the lake, partying, dancing, drinking, swimming and having sex until a girl is suddenly attacked by the creature and chewed in half. Everyone panicked and races ashore. 

Argos manages to get footage of it just as it almost breaks the surface of the water. He consults a paleontologist about this, who recognizes the creature as a Mosasaurus, a prehistoric underwater dinosaur that's been extinct for billions of years. Argos and a team plan to capture and kill the dinosaur. 

However, the Mosasaurus anticipates this and capsizes the boat. With the rest eaten alive, Argos reaches for his harpoon gun and fires it into the dinosaur's mouth just as it's about to eat him. The harpoon goes right through it's head, killing it instantly.

Sheriff Jack Argos, the sheriff of the town of Flemming.
Margo Argos, Jack's wife and a school teacher.
Deputy Richards
Dr. Hermann Walters, an elderly paleontologist.
Billy, a wild partygoer.

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