The Hookerman's Light Comes at Midnight

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Story: The Hookerman's Light Comes at Midnight

Monster(s): The Hookerman's Light, an ambient glow of a lantern that appears on train tracks at night.

Eddie Glace is a self-proclaimed "paranormal exterminator" who plans to unveil the truth behind the myth of the Hookerman's Light. Legend has it that the ghost of a railroad worker lost his arm from a crossing train, which was replaced with a hook, hence the name. 

His spirit now walks the earth as he carries around a glowing lantern across the tracks on a nightly basis searching for his lost arm. It is said that that anyone who comes face-to-face with the Hookerman's Light, his ghost will hunt you down relentlessly. Eddie arrives at some train tracks one night and encounters the Hookerman's ghost who passes through him, without even noticing him. 

Eddie believes that the spirit was harmless after all. That is until the Hookerman's Light follows him to the hotel he was staying at and chops his arm off with his hook.

Eddie Glace, a mediocre "paranormal exterminator" who tries to find real ghosts and exploit them to the public.
The Hookerman's Light, the ghost of a railroad worker who's arm was severed off by a crossing train.

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