World War III

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Story: World War III

Monster(s): The Kriegszeitobots, a legion of mechanical war bots/super soldiers under Hitler's command.

Prof. Adrian Wülff is abducted by unknown assailants and taken to the abandoned Auschwitz concentration camp. His students decide to go find and rescue him. The party is suddenly ambushed by an army of mechanical robots with Nazi swastikas. 

They take the group into the abandoned building where they meet an immortal and supernaturally-powered Adolf Hitler, who faked his suicide in 1945 to put his secret world domination plan into future fruition. 

He kidnaps the worlds scientists and technicians to make them build his army of Kriegszeitobots, robotic super-soldiers to obey his every command. He has also been keeping himself young and strong with the help of Dark Arts. 

The students escape as the Kriegszeitobots killthem one by one and they soon turn the robot soldiers against their master, making them dismember him. They soon blow up the entire camp and Hitler's master plans in the process.

Lutz Rausch, one of Wülff's students.
Prof. Adrian Wülff, a lecturer at a medical school.
Wanja Hautzig
Detlef Eicher
Hannah Fürst

Adolf Hitler, the German dictator and leader of the Nazi Party kept alive using Dark Arts who wants to bring his objective of world domination to life.

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