Be Quiet!

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Story:Be Quiet!

Monster(s): The Evil, a plethora of supernatural forces in the form of feral, demonic beasts that hunt by sound and have supersonic hearing. They haunt the land that his farmhouse rests on.

A lonely farmer, Jedediah, as been living in solitude and in fear of feral, demonic creatures who hunt based on sound. They attacked and killed his family long time ago, but he managed to survive by staying silent. 

So now, he has to do everything as quietly as possible without alerting the "things" of his presence. He also can't talk or yell. He walks barefoot and never leaves his homeland. Unfortunately, his silent survival doesn't last long as he accidentally drops a box of tools. Panicked and afraid now that the "evil" will be able to find him, he gets his gone and hides, which doesn't last long before the "evil" catch up to him, leaving him forced to retreat to the cornfield. 

He gets cornered and comes face to face with one of the "evil". He lets out a scream of terror for the first time in forever before they kill him and drag his body out into the woods.

Jedediah Winston, a paranoid farmer who lives in fear of the Evil that killed his family.

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