The Devil Knight Cometh

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Story: The Devil Knight Cometh

Monster(s): Sir Ethrafryght the Devil Knight, a Middle Ages knight formerly serving under King Charles I's rule and becomes a mass-murdering psychopath.

Set in the Middle Ages in 495, in the kingdom of É Lughrain, denizens of villagers live in fear of a psychopathic knight in black shining armor astride a black horse appearing every blood moon and killing hundreds of innocent folk, women and children. 

Apothecary apprentice, Jules, studies this phenomena and believes that the knight was a loyal knight serving under King Charles I's rule named Sir Ethrafryght, who only killed in battle for the pleasure of it. He was ousted for his arrogant ways and died in a hut. 

Some say that a witch resurrected him; a curse in which he needed to kill every night of the blood moon to regain his original form, which would take a whole millennia. Jules bravely confronts the knight himself and removes his helmet to reveal his rotting face with long unkempt hair and beard.

Jules, a young apothecary apprentice.
Sir Ethrafryght, the demonically-possessed spirit of a knight.
King Nazareth IIV, the ruler of the kingdom of É Lughrain.
Godfrey York, Jules's mentor.

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