Something Is Wrong With Dad

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Story: Something Is Wrong With Dad

Monster(s): The Boomerang, a cursed, magical native boomerang from Australia that possesses the ability to rearrange the personality of anyone holding it.

During their family vacation to the Australian Outback, Cy Hammond purchases an antique boomerang, but is warned to not have it in his possession for too long. Nevertheless, Cy keeps the boomerang in his backpack for the rest of the journey back home. 

For weeks after their vacation, Cy starts to undergo some strange personality changes. He goes from a caring, loving father to an abusive, violent and hotheaded dictator. His wife is confused and is thinking about a divorce. But his son, Jerry, is suspicious as it must be the boomerang he bought in Australia.

Cy Hammond, the patriarch of the family who buys the magic boomerang.
Amelia Hammond, Cy's wife.
Jerry Hammond, Cy's son.
Patty Hammond, Cy's daughter.
Xanthus Valur, the cashier of the antique shop.
Youlbourybung, an indigenous Australian Aboriginal native shaman who created the mystical boomerang to originally give his hot-tempered wife a more calm and controlled personality before she died. 

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