We Found A Dead Body

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Story: We Found A Dead Body

Monster(s): John Doe, the dead cadaver of an unnamed man who turns out to be possessed by a demonic spirit and has been buried alive.

A lonely mortician, Sal, working at a funeral parlor is handed the recently-dead corpse of an unnamed middle-aged man by the police who want him to perform an autopsy on it to gain identification. 

During the autopsy, he finds that the man has has an indecipherable language imprinted on the back of his head. Strange things start to occur like the corridor outside the autopsy room being longer than normal, disembodied voices and Sal receiving a phone call from a deep-voiced person who says can "see him". 

Suddenly, the "John Doe" heals up and suddenly opens his eyelids to reveal black, pupil-less eyes before regurgitating a fountain of blood. It's revealed he was alive the whole time, just in a catatonic state. 

The "John Doe" is demonically possessed by the demon Azazel who, after a failed exorcism, was buried alive before the police found him.

Sal Farmer, a mortician working at a funeral parlor.
The "John Doe", the seemingly fresh dead corpse of a man who reveals to be demonically-possessed.

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