The Terrors of Unpleasant Swamp

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Story: The Terrors of the Unpleasant Swamp

Monster(s): The Swampman of Ohq Bog, a feral swamp monster covered from head to toe in moss who instills fear in the bayous of New Orleans.

After celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans, New Yorkers Chad, Bill and Chloe go on a boat tour through the supposedly haunted Ohq Bog where the legendary Swampman resides. 

It starts to rain and their boat runs out of gas unexpectedly, stranding the tourists in the middle of the swamp. As they rush onto the land before the boat sinks entirely, they are attacked by a humanoid creature covered in moss. 

They barely escape the Swampman and take shelter in a deserted cabin where they meet a hermit who has been searching for the Swampman for years. The creature arrives and they set it on fire, given the survivors to escape with their lives.

Chad, a New Yorker vacationing in New Orleans.

Master Gore, the captain of the tour boat.
Lenny, an insane hermit living in the bayous who has been hunting the Swampman for decades.

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