Paint Me A Picture and Die!

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Story: Paint Me A Picture and Die!

Monster(s): Armiteus the Walking Statue, a misshapen and distorted ceramic sculpture said to be alive, but despite it's name, it does not walk. However, it is capable of moving at impossible speed when unseen.

Joey Mac needs something for his history project. He and his friends decide to break into the old art museum which closed down in 1991 due to the poor conditions as it was first established during the 18th century. The building was never renovated or torn down and all the art was left behind. The friends bring a video camera along to film their experience there. 

They film the paintings and sculptures while Joey explains the museums history and backstory. All the while, they soon discover that some of the paintings they've recently come across have a sudden change as if they've been repainted. For instance, while Joey wasn't looking, a person in a portrait seemed to turn his head towards him. 

The group find a misshapen ceramic sculpture in the distorted image of a man named "Armiteus the Walking Statue". Deciding that they've gotten enough footage, they go to leave before someone catches them, but them, Carson (the cameraman), is mutilated by an unseen force. 

As their time progresses, the remaining friends witness the paintings come alive and take on a dark and graphic atmosphere. Joey is the last one left and finds Armiteus in front of him, blocking the exit. The minute he blinks, the statue kills him.

Joey Mac, one of the kids filming the experience at the art museum for a history project.
Felicity O'Malley
Oliver Pint
Carson Clay

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