If You Can't Do the Time, Don't Do the Mime

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Story: If You Can't Do the Time, Don't Do the Mime

Monster(s): The Mime, an ageless, inter dimensional entity from a realm outside of space and time in the form of a mime who hunts and kills anyone who displeases it.

A group of American college graduates are on vacation in Paris, France. While walking in the streets, they come upon a mime performer with rather sketchy-looking makeup. As the mime silently narrates his little story via body language, hand gestures and facial expressions, he sends some ugly glances towards Edda and advances towards her in an exaggeratedly creepy fashion. 

At first she thinks it's part of the act, but the mime suddenly gropes her unexpectedly and, in direct response, she slaps him across the face before she and the rest depart. Later that week, the teens are suddenly stalked by the same mime from before who starts killing them off by miming his attacks in which they all die in real life compared to the "pretend" actions. 

The mime is actually an ancient inter-dimensional demon who preys and kills anyone who angers it.

The Mime,
a street performer who turns out to be an ancient entity from another dimension outside of reality itself.

The Midnight SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora