Beware of What Hides

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Story: Beware of What Hides

Monster(s): He Who Hath No Name, a nameless, primordial entity with no specific corporeal form, but can take on the form of a normal-looking man. He is known to consume the souls of pubescent males before possessing the physical forms he loves the most.

Flamboyant writer, Nelson Pattinson, visits the village of Juutak in Greenland. Upon arrival, he notices that there are more females than males. Nelson is having serious writer's block and needs to have more experiences outdoors to find some inspiration. 

He is told of a tundra occupied by a formless, nameless entity referred to only as "He Who Hath No Name." Legend has it that he can take the form of a human to have a view of the mortal realm. When he goes to visit the tundra overnight, he hears crunching footsteps in the snow, but finds nobody. 

Without warning, he is attacked by an unseen force and receives bite marks on his legs. He frantically speeds back to the village in his pickup. The chieftain explains that every 12 years, they send a minimum of five pre-pubescent males to claim the body of the one he likes the most.

Nelson Pattinson, an aspiring Wall Street writer.
Magsseránguak, the chief of the Greenlandic tribe.
Kúko, a local native of the tribe.
Rina, Kúko's wife.
Uuti, the son of Kúko and Rina who becomes one of the five chosen young men to be chosen by the entity himself.
He Who Hath No Name, also known as "He Who Must Not Be Named", the ancient, incorporeal, god-like entity that the villagers of Juuntak worship.

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