Look Out! It's the Exterminator

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Story: Look Out! It's the Exterminator!

Monster(s): The Exterminator, a comic book supervillain magically brought to life to wreck havoc in real life.

12-year old Tim is a fan of comic books, especially the one about the superhero team, The Watchdogs, who battle against their nemesis, Dr. Aleksander Hoffman/The Exterminator, a supervillain with telekinesis, nigh invulnerability, can secrete his own venom and toxins with his fingernails and has a poisonous touch, in which he can kill his victims with poison via physical contact.

One day, after purchasing the latest issue, Tim overhears a robbery going on a few blocks. The perpetrator happens to be dressed exactly like the Exterminator. Victims involved in the robbery were poisoned through touch, similar in the comics. Crimes all around town are caused by the same person. 

Tim talks with the owner of the comic books shop, who is actually the cartoonist for the Watchdogs comics. He claims that his character had somehow come to life and is now wrecking havoc. Tim manages to capture and trap the realistic supervillain with the same issue he popped out of.

Tim, a 12-year old comic book fan.
Desktop, the cashier and owner of the comic book store Tim likes to visit who is also the main creator of the Watchdogs series,
Dr. Aleksander Hoffman/The Exterminator, the main antagonist of the comic book series, Watchdogs, who is magically brought to life.

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