The Movie With Killer Ratings

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Story: The Movie With Killer Ratings

Monster(s): The Insectizoid from the Big Screen, an extraterrestrial insectoid creature from outer space from a horror movie who is able to break through the fourth wall and invade the real world.

Joseph Mulliver and Tad Crumb plan to go see the ultimate horror film "The Beast from Underneath" at the town's movie theater. 

Unfortunately, the movie's rated R and because they are both kids, they are denied to see it. Unwilling to give up, they sneak in into the cinema to watch it. As the timeframe of the movie progresses, the film's antagonist, "The Insectizoid" suddenly jumps right out of the screen and into the real world.

It kidnaps Joseph and Tad and takes him into the movie. They shake the monster and try to convince the film's characters to help them defeat the monster, end the movie so they can go home.

Joseph Mulliver, a desperate, horror movie-loving boy.
Tad Crumb, Joseph's close friend.
Lynn, the ticket taker who denies the two boys entry.
Sheriff Willoughby, the grizzled policeman from the movie.
Jaime, the final girl from the movie.
Roy, Jaime's boyfriend who gets eaten.

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