Don't Look at It

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Story: Don't Look at It

Monster(s): "Untitled", a nameless game developed by no one in particular. When played, it depicts a location through the player's point of view devoid of people and the player is followed by a strange man dressed in all black with a black hoodie and an unrevealed face.

Pro gamer George Lintz is 24-year old slacker who wants do nothing more than sit around and play video games. His girlfriend, Honey, dumps him and leaves him for his best friend, Carl. He goes to look for a new game to play when he finds a unusual game with an unnamed and blank black case. 

The cashier claims that no one has ever seen that game or knows where it came from. Regardless, George buys it and plays it the next day. At first, it's just a random first-person perspective game with no clear objective or story and just shows the George's player going around a movie theater. George finds it tedious and turns the game off. The next day, George curiously decides to give it another try. 

This time, he finds a message on the wall in-game saying "Turn off the game before he sees you". He passes this off as a fourth-wall breaking joke. But then he (as the player) finds a man in a black hoodie with the hood over his head facing away from him. He makes a noise and the man notices him. 

Panicked, George makes his character run and hide, but the man appears out of nowhere and kills his player. The next following days after playing that weird game, George's mental heath starts to deteriorate and becomes haunted by the hooded man from the game, who soon kills him the same way his character died.

George Lintz, a lazy gaming expert who does nothing but play video games.
Honey Lane, George's ex-girlfriend who dumps him for his unhealthy lifestyle.
Evan Douglas/trashtalk88, a rival player who always bests George.
Carter, the cashier at the video game shop.
The Man, an unnamed character in the anonymous new game that George buys who turns out to be an evil entity.

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