The Phantom of the Amphitheater

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Story: The Phantom of the Amphitheater

Monster(s): The Ghost of Edgar Lavergne-Arsenault, the ghost of a young Cajun Shakespearian actor who took his own life when he was replaced.

Milton High School is rehearsing for the "The Crucible" play with Edward Quale portraying John Proctor. The play will take place at the city Amphitheater. But there has been strange happenings going around after the school closes for the night. 

Edward and his friends sneak in to rehearse themselves, but their ongoing practice is rudely disrupted by unexplained noises. Edward is left alone and suddenly meets the ghost of Edgar Lavergne-Arsenault, a Cajun man who was a Shakespearean actor in life before his career was jeopardized by a replacement actor before he commited suicide. 

His spirit haunts the school which used to be the theater he performed in. He kills off the teens before possessing Edward to perform the final act to an audience of ghosts.

Edward Quale, a teen in drama class who is to play John Proctor.
Madeline Mason, a girl who is going to portray Abigail Williams.

The Ghost of Edgar Lavergne-Arsenault, the spirit of a Cajun actor who haunted Milton High School.

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