I Scream, You Scream for Ice Cream

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Story: I Scream, You Scream for Ice Cream

Monster(s): The Ice Cream Man and the Candywoman, the famous ice cream vendor and confectioner who have been kindapping children to make into their treats.

There have been many child disappearances occurring over the years in Chadwick, Ohio. Here, there are two main things that children enjoy the most; the candy/confectionary shop, The Sweet Tooth, owned by Amalaswintha O'Wizzlepop and the ice cream store, 10 Below A La Mode, owned by the former's boyfriend, William Snow, who also runs an ice cream truck.

One such boy, Spike Riley, who is allergic to dairy, which gives him rashes, is suspicious. Many of the children who disappear are last seen either entering O'Wizzlepop's shop or getting an ice cream from Snow's truck. 

After sneaking inside The Sweet Tooth, he finds many of the missing kids encased in cocoons made of rainbow cotton candy. He soon discovers that O'Wizzlepop is an immortal witch who makes her candies out of children while Snow is a convicted serial killer who eats children.

Spike Riley, a boy who is lactose intolerant.
Carmen Riley, Spike's sister.
Detective Hank Boyle, a police detective assigned to investigate the recent child disappearances.
Amalaswintha O'Wizzlepop, the famous confectioner and owner of the popular candy/confectionary shop, The Sweet Tooth, who is an immortal witch making her candy and dessert out of children and is Snow's girlfriend.
William Snow, the proprietor of the ice cream store, 10 Below A La Mode, and the driver of the ice cream truck occasionally. He's actually a convicted cannibalistic serial killer and child kidnapper who eats his child victims.

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