The Haunted Forest

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Story: The Haunted Forest

Monster(s): The Man-Eating Tree, a tall, leafless, gnarled tree with an angry monster face and a taste for human flesh.

A deadly secret lies in the Peggy Well Forest, Oregon where a murder most foul occurred in 1956. Seven teens camped out in those woods, but four days later, their bodies were found hanging by the necks from the branches of a tall, leafless tree. 

Now in modern times, husband-and-wife nature photographers, Peter and Frieda Krouss, are hired to snap some photos for the National Wildlife magazine. With the help of a reluctant guide, Jasper, they camp out in the forest. Upon entering the forest, they are struck by an unnatural silence throughout the area. 

That night, they hear the wind howling, but don't feel any wind, nor do they see the trees moving. They also hear loud creaking noises and distorted voices in the distance.Unnerved, the couple decides to take whatever photos they can and leave. 

But before they can get far, a tree suddenly comes to life with a terrifying face and grabs Peter before eating him alive.

Peter Krouss, a nature photographer for the National Wildlife magazine.
Frieda Krouss, Peter's wife who is also a nature photographer.
Jasper, the couple's reluctant guide.
Arnie Houghton, the couple's boss.

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