A Tooth For A Tooth

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Story: A Tooth For A Tooth

Monster(s): The Nympharum Dentata/The Tooth Fairy, an evil fairy-like creature who is known to steal the teeth of little children.

Kelly Winkle recalls a moment in her childhood when she received an unpleasant visit from the Tooth Fairy. 10-year old Kelly looses her last baby tooth and decides to leave it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy. However, her mother and grandmother warn her that the Tooth Fairy isn't what she believes it to be. 

Of course, she ignores them and does so anyway. But that night, she is awakened from her sleep to come face-to-face with a gangly, humanoid creature with large butterfly wings, sharp claws and missing the top half of its head, revealing its bottom jaw of sharp canines. 

After narrowly escaping the creature, her mother reveals that a long time ago when her grandmother was a child, she gave a blood sacrifice to the Tooth Fairy (who's true name is the Nympharum Dentata), a monster that demands the teeth of children. 

The Tooth Fairy wanted her teeth in return, but she tricked the creature into a vase. But years later, Kelly's mother accidentally shattered the vase, freeing the Tooth Fairy. In the end, Kelly's own daughter loses a tooth and puts in under her pillow, which summons the Tooth Fairy as a result.

Kelly Winkle, a mother who remembers encountering the Tooth Fairy when she was a little girl.
Amara Winkle, Kelly's mother who warned her about the true colors of the mythical fairy in question.
Jodie Winkle, Kelly's grandmother who gave a blood sacrifice to the Tooth Fairy long ago.

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