Are You Afraid of the Dark?

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Story: Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Monster(s): Bat People (or Chiropetraei)a colony of cave-dwelling, blood-sucking, humanoid bat monsters.

The Moon Caves in Argentina are a forbidden place where people come to meet there deaths. But for speleologist Kevin McCurst, nothing is impossible. He leads an expedition into the caves after hearing of a legend that there is a secret world hidden inside. 

With zoologist, Maggie Sweets and a team of experts, they rely on their flashlights and night-vision goggles to navigate themselves through the darkness of the underground cavern. Before long, the team is killed one by one. Kevin uses his thermo-camera to capture the image of a giant bat-like creature. 

The group finds markings on the wall which symbolize the Chiropetraei, or Bat People. They are an ancient race of bat-like humanoids that have remained hidden in cavesfor centuries, because they are harmed by the rays of the Sun.

Prof. Kevin McCurst, a speleologist.
Dr. Maggie Sweets, a zoologist and zookeeper.
Dr. Joel "Markie" Markos, a cryptozoologist.
Hannibal Easton, a young cave guide who likes to explore caves.
Spurs, a young prodigy and Kevin's student.

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