Wake Up Again and Again

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Story: Wake Up Again and Again

Monster(s): XV-2, a vintage Super 8mm video camera haunted with a mind of it's own that traps it's victims in a time loop on the day that film the first video.

Jude Volter is a high school teenager who purchases an old super 8 video camera called "VX-2" to use for his filming project. The cashier claims the camera is over 1,000 years old, yet it functions perfectly as if it were new. He tries it out the next day, filming his friends and everything. 

That is until the next morning when he discovers something is off. He witnesses everything that has happened yesterday happen again. He finally realizes that he's in a time loop somehow. He looks through his own footage to find ghostly figures in the background and now gets killed by one of them before the day resets. 

He destroys the camera and wakes up the next day, only to find himself trapped in an endless time loop forever until he dies. In the real world, someone else buys the camera.

Jude Voltner, a high school teenager.
Mrs. Voltner
Mr. Voltner

Miss. Robin, Jude's teacher.
Luke, Jude's friend.
Sam, Jude's friend.

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