With Strings Attached

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Story: With Strings Attached

Monster(s): Leofwin Ridley/The Evil Puppeteer, a sadistic Victorian Era puppeteer and ventriloquist who has a collection of puppets, ventriloquist dummies and marionettes. He is a demonic revenant who turns freshly-dead bodies into puppets.

Kurt Reese's wife had recently died in a car collision in the middle of the road. Meanwhile, famed puppeteer and ventriloquist Leofwin Ridley comes into town to perform his act with his collection of puppets, ventriloquist dummies and marionettes. 

Kurt begrudgingly goes to the show with his friends, but becomes unnerved when he sees that one of Ridley's dummies looks oddly similar to his dead wife. After the show, Kurt goes to sneak into Ridley's trailer to find a vast multitude of dummies and puppets and such. He even catches Ridley practicing with the dummy that looks like his wife, with Ridley's face taking on a monstrous visage. 

He is discovered and taken hostage by Ridley who reveals that he died in 1821 and was reborn into a four-armed demonic creature who orchestrates the deaths of various people before turning their bodies in puppets and adding them to his collection. 

Ridley decides to spare Kurt and lets him go, knowing that no one will believe his story.

Kurt Reese, a widowed man.
Leofwin Ridley, a mysterious puppeteer who is revealed to be a four-armed demon.

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