Tick Tock, Escape the Clock

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Story: Tick Tock, Escape the Clock

Monster(s): The Haunted Grandfather Clock, a magical grandfather clock that causes anyone who tampers with it age backwards or forwards rapidly.

After his father dies, Monty Shadows is left with his inheritance, including an old grandfather clock. He puts the archaic thing into the basement and accidentally breaks it, but leaves that way since it was old anyway. 

The next morning, Monty discovers that he is growing a few grey hairs, wrinkles and liver spots. He thinks that it's probably the sun doing it. But the next day, he appears to have aged a bit further. 

Passing days go by and he realizes that breaking that grandfather clock is causing him to age rapidly day after day. He figures the only way to stop this is the fix the clock and set to the right time. 

In his elderly state, he has trouble repairing it without shaking, but finally manages to do so. With it set to the right time, everything goes back in time to the day it broke with Monty young again.

Monty Shadows, a man who is given the grandfather clock by his father after his death.

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