You Are Not Alone

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Story: You Are Not Alone

Monster(s): The Dark One, a shadow entity with the skull of a stag who represents the fear of being alone.

During the XIX Century in New York, Arthur Pike is a once-famous painter who lives alone in his large Victorian mansion past down from his family. He suffers from insomnia as he has trouble sleeping a night due to hearing strange noises at night like footsteps, voices and knocking at the door. 

One night, he decides to go investigate the noises and suddenly finds himself going through a constantly-shifting environment with twisting hallways and corridors, paintings becoming distorted and objects moving from one place to another.

 After all these confusing altercations, he encounters a tall, shadowy figure with the skull of a stag, similar to one of his paintings, Darkness Awaits the Dark One

As it turns out, he was experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations, possibly due to sleep deprivation.

Arthur Pike, a despondent and lonesome man who was once a famous painter before he suffered a mental breakdown that drove his wife and newborn child away.
Elizabeth Pike, Arthur's ex-wife who appears as hallucinations, taunting Arthur.
Joy Pike, Arthur and Elizabeth's newborn baby daughter.

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