Here's My Voodoo Tale

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Story: Here's My Voodoo Tale

Monster(s): Papa Isaac Ulysse and Mama Pauline Saint Fort, a married couple of indigenous Louisiana Creole witchdoctors and practitioners of Dark Arts and Haitian Voodoo who were originally slaves to white plantation owners in New Orleans before the American Civil War.

Xavier Zabriskie goes on a vacation to the Dominican Republic with his estranged daughter, Josie. He wants to reconnect with her after the death of her mother broke them apart. They soon visit a voodoo shop owned by acclaimed Haitian voodoo witchdoctor, Papa Isaac and his wife, Mama Saint Fort. 

Josie gets a fortune telling session with Mama Pauline. She claims that Josie will encounter terrible dangers and horrors she cannot escape. Annoyed and bored, she insults the woman, haughtily accusing her of lame gags and calling her a "cunt". Xavier drags her out of the shop in anger before she could say anything else. He scolds her for her behavior in using her mother's death as an excuse to act out whenever she wants. 

However, her future comes true as she starts seeing voodoo fetish dolls, skeletons hung by their necks and especially a bruise on her side that's growing ever bigger. It becomes clear that Papa Isaac and Mama Pauline have cursed her for her rash attitude and now her future of inescapable terror has arrived.


Xavier Zabriskie, a widowed man and Josie's father.
Josie Zabriskie, Xavier's estranged and hot-tempered teenage daughter who has been withdrawn from him since her mother's death.
Papa Isaac Ulysse, a Louisiana Creole witchdoctor and practitioner of Dark Arts and voodoo.
Mama Pauline Saint Fort, Isaac's wife and a skilled fortune teller.

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