The Wolf That Bit Me

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Story: The Wolf That Bite Me

Monster(s): Jared Callum/The Werewolf Boy, a young Canadian boy who is cursed with lycanthropy after being bitten by a werewolf.

Things aren't what they seem in the town of East Bridge, Saskatchewan, Canada. Jared Callum is the son of a logger who is attacked by a wolf. He is hospitalized as he received a messy, open bite mark on his right arm. Before long, his behavior begins to change. He goes from the meek young lad to an aggressive jerk. Around full moon, a wolf's howl is heard and bodies pile up. The townsfolk suspect that wolves are the culprits.

However, it's the middle of winter and the wolves rest 30% of the time and usually attack humans unless provoked. Jared's mother wakes up one morning and follows a trail of blood to their shed to find Jared half-naked and his lips covered in blood, leading her to realize that he's a werewolf. Horrified, she locks Jared in the basement.

Jared Callum, a young man who is attacked and bitten by a werewolf.
Hugo Callum, Jared's father who is a logger.
Beatrice Callum, Jared's overactive mother.
Vincent Wagner, Hugo's co-worker.
Mayor John Sykes, the mayor of East Bridge.
Agnes, a girl from Jared's school who becomes his first victim.

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