Human Roasted On a Spit

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Story: Human Roasted On a Spit

Monster(s): Bucephalus Lembke/Warm Body and his family, the patriarch of a family of sadistic, deformed redneck maniacs who all worship the Devil and take pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.

Newlyweds, Carter and Stephanie Winston, drive through the Louisiana countryside where find themselves lost, trying to find New Orleans. They happen upon a plantation where they meet the Lembke family who offer them hospitality. 

The next morning, the couple find their possessions gone and the family assures them that they will be found. They decide to report this to the police, but the tires to their car had been stolen as well. Suddenly, they are knocked unconscious by chloroform and wake up tied to chairs inside the kitchen surrounded by the family who reveal themselves as Satanists, who appease their "Lord" by murdering and processing the innocent into food at their slaughterhouse.

The couple manages to break free of their bonds and escape from the house with Bucephalus Lembke, the patriarch and owner of the slaughterhouse, giving chase with his concrete saw and nail gun. Stephanie is decapitated while Carter hides out in the slaughterhouse. Bucephalus finds him, but Carter cuts his head off with an axe as payback for killing his wife. 

Carter escapes by hitchhiking his way to New Orleans while the rest of Bucephalus's family mourns his death.

Carter Winston
Stephanie Winston

Bucephalus "Pa" Lembke, the patriarch of the family who is the owner of the family business: a slaughterhouse. He slashes his victims with an assortment of hand-held power tools (such as a concrete saw).
Josephine "Ma" Lembke, the matriarch of the family and the mother of Floyd-William, Enos and Marybeth.
Floyd-Williams Lembke, eldest son of the Lembkes.
Enos Lembke, middle child of the Lembkes.
Marybeth Bambi Lembke, youngest daughter of the Lembkes.
Granny Lembke
Grandpopsy Lembke
Uncle Milo Lembke
Aunt Annabelle Lembke
Great Grandmother Carol Anne
Great Grandaunt Olive
Cousin Nelson
Cousin Henrietta
Cousin Jebediah

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