Man's Best Monster

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Story: Man's Best Monster

Monster(s): The Hellhound, a carnivorous demon dog from Hell who kills those of impure souls.

Alexander "Lex" Bramson is a loser father who wishes to be a better parent in his son's eyes. Meanwhile, there had been a series of gruesome animal-based killings. Each victims has their throat or other body part ripped out viciously and left to bleed out. Lex shrugs this off, believing that a rapid dog is on the loose which will probably die soon anyway. 

Lex's boss suffers the same fate when his mutilated body is found in his car, which appears to have been broken into with the door broken off and bite marks everywhere. Lex goes for a nightly walk when he follows a strange animal. 

The animal is eating out of a dumpster and appears to be a dog bigger than any other dog; a cross between a dog and a wolf. Lex comes to terms that the animal is a hellhound, a demonic dog who kills those of impure souls such as criminals, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers, etc. 

The hellhound chases after Lex, who looses the monster after he hides in a church. However, it turns out to be a Satanic church and the hellhound breaks in and kills Lex near the alter.

Alexander "Lex" Bramson, a pathetic man who works at a retail store.
Gregory Bramson, Lex's estranged son.
Mr. Neilson, Lex's boss.
Ellen Bramson, Lex's ex-wife.

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